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The Methodical Way To Design Optimal Training Programs To Break Through Plateaus And Smash Personal Records
Taught By World Champion Powerlifter, Mike Tuchscherer, Dr. Mike Zourdos, CSCS, and other top coaches & athletes from around the sporting world.

Trying to create a highly effective training program on your own is not easy.

Unfortunately it's a process of trial and error.

You have to either keep guessing what to do, or ask other lifters what's working for them.

And there's no guarantee of success whatsoever.

Everything is based on hope. But hope is never a winning strategy if you want to get to the next level in powerlifting.

What's more... there's rarely ever a process that is taught. So even if you find reliable theoretical information, it's exceedingly difficult to put it into practice.

The problem is that when it comes to programing...

You Don't Know What
You Don't Know...

And this is what holds you back from your next breakthrough.

It's common to believe you're doing everything right. But even as a veteran coach myself, I can tell you there's always more to learn.

Over the long term, you can be wasting a lot of time doing things the hard (and wrong) way.

And if you're not consistently imporving, it's a good sign that what you're currently doing isn't working.

So what can you do about it?

Well, the solution is to find someone with a proven track record
who knows how to structure a training program that produces results.

And the way I see it, if you're serious about powerlifting, you've got to be a student of the sport and learn from the best.

But not only is it important to learn from experts...

You also need to be studying in an environment that allows you to take in and absorb as much information as possible.

Introducing: the Reactive Training Systems
(RTS) Classroom...
The ONLY Internet Based Classroom That Shows You
How To Design Optimal Training Programs
That Work
RTS Classroom is a internet based class that will be held twice each month (viewable either live or by download), with the sole purpose of helping you design optimal training programs for yourself or your athletes.
The class will be taught by World Games Champion and IPF World Record holder Mike Tuchscherer, as well as other top coaches.
And each class is based around interactive lessons where each class builds on the previous lesson in a structured way.
This allows the lecturer to go into MUCH MORE DEPTH than is possible in a seminar, still has a live interactive audience (unlike books, articles, podcasts, YouTube videos, etc.).
You'll also get access to a special RTS CLassroom forum so you can ask questions outside of class times as well as interact with other students.
Get Real Results, Become a Respected Lifter or
Coach, And Smash Your Current PR With Our
Scientific and Practical Approach
In the RTS Classroom, we rely on a scientific and practical approach to lifting.
We continuously work towards getting closer to the essence of what makes people stronger, and teach everything in an easy-to-understand manner so the information is highly practical, as well as theoretically flexible.
And over the last few years, we've gathered more information, continued to tweak things and improve the system.
And considering we've produced world champions, world record holders,
and dozens of national champions...
Our approach works.
What Will You Be
Getting Inside?
You'll get INSTANT access to...
  • Two videos per month (per course) available for download. These videos are specifically designed and recorded for the classroom and are not available anywhere else.
  • An invitation to attend two monthly interactive classes live, ask questions and get answers in real time.
  • A private forum for "homework" assignments. In here you can ask additional questions, and you have a chance to interact with other students
  • Access to the Team RTS Facebook Group. This is a closed group for team members.
  • Plus bonus lessons on a periodic basis.
The two courses on offer are...
Programming, Auto-Regulation (presented by myself)
This course covers how to use RTS principles at an advanced level, as well as the unique design methodology that I use to bridge the gap between complicated training theories and practical application.
Periodization, Strength Sciences (presented by Dr. Zourdos)
This class covers the formal science of how to develop a traning program and why it's done a certain way.

The idea here is to enroll in whatever interests you.

And if you want to see what the current topics are for each class you can find them on the RTS Calendar

What Topics Will Be Discussed?
Topics will have a huge variety. Anything from programming training plans, advanced technique presentations, and mental training tips are all fair game. We also plan to have guest presenters to give you a well-rounded education.
Our topics include:
  • Programming and Program design
  • Periodization
  • Nutrition for body composition and performance
  • Technique and technique coaching
  • Specific case studies
  • Injury prevention and re-introduction
The 4 Unrivalled Benefits of The RTS Classroom
The quality and depth of information presented is unparalleled anywhere. You could say that being a member of RTS Classroom is both an education opportunity, and an advanced mentorship...
You won't just learn knowledge. You'll learn PROVEN knowledge from the BEST COACHES IN THE FIELD (not just the most popular). So it will be highly applicable to your training and coaching.
The lessons will encourage you to apply your own perspective and thinking, instead of just doing what you're told in books or videos.
Easy access to world class instructors. Just in case you're not clear on something in the classes, you're welcome to ask the instructors any questions you like. These instructors are the best in the industry, and people usually pay thousands to get access to them. But as a RTS Classroom member, you can access them easily at a fraction of the cost.

All in all... this results in much more effective results

On top of all that, you'll be also kept up to date with everything that is going on inside RTS classroom...

This includes email communication to inform you when live classes are to be held. And also when new downloads become available

And just in case you can't make a live lesson, don't worry...

You can always download it later at a more convenient time for you. But we do encourage you to attend as many live sessions as possible.

And if you're a coach...

Don't forget that by improving your knowledge, you'll improve the quality of your coaching as well.

Why You Can Trust Us

There is only one reason why you should trust us: World Class Instructors

Mike Tuchscherer is the 2009 World Games champion, and has also

  • 8 lifters to the 2014 World Champs
  • 4 World Record holders
  • And 30 national champions

He started RTS way back in 2008 and has been teaching lifters since.

Mike Zourdos is an Assistant Professor of Exercise Science at Florida Atlantic University.
He received his Ph.D. in Exercise Physiology from The Florida
State University in 2012.

He has also coached the FSU Powerlifting team. His research is best known for exploring
the concept of Daily Undulating Periodization (DUP) and optimizing training
program design.

Additionally, he competes in the USAPL in the 74 and 83kg classes, and designs training programs
for bodybuilders and powerlifters through the "DUP Training Revolution."

Our guest instructors are made up of natioinal champions and leaders in the

What Is The Investment Required
To Join?
RTS Classroom has been priced at $100 per month for either course, or $135 per month for both.
When you break the price down, it amounts to just $4.59 a day at most.

This includes the option of switching between courses at the end of each calendar month.

You can cancel the subscription at any time with an email, or by using the "Contact Us" form on the home page.

4 Reasons Why The RTS Classroom
Is Not An Expensive Investment
The RTS Classroom is the FASTEST way to accelerate your strength education that we know of. Other courses like this are simply not available.
It was meant to reduce the time you spent tinkering with problems other coaches already figured out. Just consider how much money you'll spend buying books and research material, and how much time you'll spend, studying, researching, and working with other lifters hoping to find out what works. That could be an even more expensive investment!
You'll be getting access to premium quality content that will not be available anywhere else online.
The RTS Classroom, at $100 or $135 per month, when you break it down, only costs $4.50 a day at most.

Within minutes of joining the classroom, you could be learning from the best of the best who have been there and done that

We truly believe you'll be blown away by what you'll find inside.

And just in case you're not, there's no problem as you can easily cancel your membership at any time. There's simply nothing to lose.

We look forward to helping you become the best powerlifter you can be.

Click the buy button below to get started immediately.


See you on the inside,

The RTS Team